Request Membership
2024-2025 SCCC Membership
To renew your membership with SCCC for the 2024-2025 school year, please follow the steps below:
1) Click on "Profile" on the toolbar at the top of the page; review information to ensure accuracy
- Update student information as needed, including ages and grade levels of your children for the upcoming school year. There you will also make sure these boxes are checked appropriately:
- Read and agree to SCCC's Statement of Faith
- Electronically sign (both father and mother) SCCC's Waiver & Release
- Check to either grant or deny Use of Photographs
- Check to agree to SCCC's Disclipline Policy
- Check that you understand you wil be required to complete a Family Medical Registration Form by May 7th (current members) and May 8th for new members.
*Be sure to scroll to the bottom of the page and click "Update".
2) Complete Family Medical Information Form (must be done every year) in May.
3) Pay $40 Registration fee per family and $50/child non refundable Tuition Deposit. Your registration will be complete when you pay the registration fee and deposit.
Payment options: $40 Registration Fee and $50 Deposit per child.
Send payment by PayPal using the following email: [email protected]