Parent Responsiblities
It's a Cooperative Effort
Southern Cross Christian Co-op would not be what it is without the help of all the members. At the beginning of the year, each attending parent is assigned a service position. We have worked hard to make sure each family is contributing in some way so that co-op can truly be a blessing and not a burden. The responsibliites assigned to you do not pull you away from support group, ensuring that your time at co-op is spent in ways most beneficial to you.
Coming alongside one another to support, encourage, share ideas, and brainstorm solutions creates an atmosphere that sets us apart. Supporting and praying for the co-op, its instructors, and members is a vital part of SCCC. This is why we require your attendance and ask for your participation.
Support Group
During class time, one parent from each family is required to stay and participate in the devotional/prayer time and the support group time. There is also free time reserved both at the beginning and end of the co-op day to do whatever you'd like in the support group room.
We are committed to providing our parents with support group topics that they have requested or that we feel would challenge and motivate you in your homeschooling journeys, in your homes, and as disciples for the Lord.